This guide will walk you through creating a React Native app using the Expo framework and setting it up with MagicBell. At the end of this guide, you will have an app that receives notifications via push and shows them in a notification inbox.
We'll gloss over a few details to get you to your goal as quickly as possible but aim to provide guides for those in the future. For brevity, this guide will focus on demonstrating how to set up an iOS application with APNs and will skip over Android and FCM setup in some places.
At this point, we assume you have set up a MagicBell project and have access to its API Key and Secret. The guide also uses the MagicBell CLI to send broadcasts from the command line. It will come in handy during testing, so make sure to install it.
Furthermore, you should know how React Native apps are built. You should have a recent Xcode and Node.js environment setup. This guide will use NPM, but you should be able to follow along with Yarn or any other package manager you choose. You'll also need a working Ruby environment with CocoaPods installed. We will use the Expo framework to reduce the boilerplate and make future upgrades easy for us.
You will need accounts for both Apple's Push Notification service and Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging to work with them.
Getting Started
We'll start by creating a plain new React Native app with Expo (SDK 52 at the time of writing) by executing the following commands in your terminal:
npx create-expo-app@latest MagicBellInbox
cd MagicBellInbox
npm run ios
At this point you should see our new app running in your iOS Simulator, greeting you with a "Welcome! đź‘‹" and a two tab navigation.

Adding a MagicBell Inbox
Installing packages
We'll start by adding the MagicBell React SDK and its dependencies:
npm add @magicbell/react-headless react-native-sse react-native-url-polyfill
Next, add the polyfills early on in your application's lifetime:
- Add an
file at your project root:
// Polyfills required by @magicbell/react-headless
import EventSource from 'react-native-sse';
import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto';
global.EventSource = EventSource;
import 'expo-router/entry'
- Update the project entry point in
to"main": "./index"
Setting up MagicBell
MagicBell is configured via the MagicBellProvider
component. A good place to add it is close to the root of your navigation tree. In this example that is inside the RootLayout
component in app/_layout.tsx
return (
<ThemeProvider value={colorScheme === 'dark' ? DarkTheme : DefaultTheme}>
<Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />
<Stack.Screen name="+not-found" />
<StatusBar style="auto" />
Make sure to update [API-KEY]
with your project information. Authenticating with different users is beyond the scope of this guide and is left as an exercise for the reader.
Adding a Notification Inbox UI
The @magicbell/react-headless
package does not provide any UI components for rendering a Notification Inbox. For web projects that are using react-dom
, we offer a full-fledged Notification Inbox via @magicbell/react
. In this guide, we'll build an Inbox from scratch, using plain react-native
components from the Expo starter template.
Let's start by adding a new tab to our app:
- Add a bell icon to
by updatingMAPPING
and adding'bell.fill': 'notifications'
. - Now you can add the tab in
title: 'Notifications',
tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => <IconSymbol size={28} name="bell.fill" color={color} />,
- The code for our notification screen will live in a new file
import { ThemedText } from "@/components/ThemedText";
import { ThemedView } from "@/components/ThemedView";
import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, SafeAreaView } from "react-native";
import {
} from "@magicbell/react-headless";
function Notification({ data }: { data: IRemoteNotification }) {
return (
<ThemedText type="defaultSemiBold">{data.title}</ThemedText>
export default function NotificationsScreen() {
const notificationStore = useNotifications();
return (
<ThemedView style={styles.content}>
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<ThemedView style={styles.content}>
<ThemedText type="title">Notifications</ThemedText>
{notificationStore? => (
<Notification key={} data={notification} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
content: {
flex: 1,
padding: 16,
gap: 16,
overflow: "hidden",
Now all you need is some notifications to show. You can create them from your command line using the MagicBell CLI:
magicbell login
magicbell broadcasts create --recipients [USER-EMAIL] --title "Notifications for everybody" --content "This call could have been a notification"
(Don't forget to insert your user's email)

This adds the most basic version of a notification screen. It might not look like much, but that is because MagicBell does a lot of the heavy lifting in the background. For example, you will see new notifications arrive in real time. We also don't show seen and read states, but those are synced as well. Feel free to extend the example and play around with the notification Object to build this out further, while this guide continues to look into the topic of push notifications next.
Push Notifications via APNs
MagicBell supports a wide variety of channels over which notifications can be delivered. The two most interesting for a React Native app are APNs for sending push notifications to Apple devices, and FCM for sending them to Android. This section focuses on all the steps that are needed to set up APNs. We'll refer to the appendix for specifics around the FCM setup, but it works quite analogously to APNs and is even simpler in some regards.
Code-signing your app
In order to build and sign our project locally, we are going to use Continuous Native Generation. We can set this up in a few easy steps:
- Add the native iOS and Android directories to git ignore. They will be regenerated using
expo prebuild
regularly:echo /ios >> .gitignore && echo /android >> .gitignore
- Update
to contain information about your native build. You will want to use custom values here that match your developer account setup, like your own Apple Team ID
"ios": {
+ "bundleIdentifier": "com.magicbell.inboxexample",
+ "appleTeamId": "7847W99F5L",
"supportsTablet": true
"android": {
+ "package": "com.magicbell.inboxexample",
"adaptiveIcon": {
"foregroundImage": "./assets/images/adaptive-icon.png",
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
- Prepare a native build using
npx expo prebuild
Using this setup, we will only need to update the information in app.json
and rerun npx expo prebuild
after changing it. This will generate the ios
and android
folders, overriding any manual changes to them.
Now you can run a local build of your app using npm run ios -- --device
. Xcode will take care of creating code signing certificates and registering your bundle identifier in your Apple development team, assuming you’ve authenticated Xcode with your developer account before.
Adding expo-notifications and registering push tokens
In this guide, we're using the awesome Expo SDK libraries, which include expo-notifications
. You are generally free to choose from the variety of notification SDKs that are available for React Native, as long as it provides a way to register device tokens.
- Run
npx expo install expo-notifications react-native-push-info
to add the library and our push-info helper. - Rerun
npx expo prebuild
to regenerate the native projects after adding the library. This also adds the Push notifications capability to our Xcode project.
This is what our project in Xcode looks like now.

With the notification library in place, we can register the device token with MagicBell, so that push notifications can be routed to your device. For this guide, we can use a simple component to post the push token to MagicBell. It is important that it is added as a child inside the MagicBellProvider
component tree.
So let's add this component first by creating a new file components/DeviceTokenHandler.tsx
import { DevicePushToken, getDevicePushTokenAsync, requestPermissionsAsync } from "expo-notifications";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Platform } from "react-native";
import * as RNPushInfo from "react-native-push-info";
import * as mb from "@magicbell/react-headless";
const tokenPath ={
ios: "/channels/mobile_push/apns/tokens",
android: "/channels/mobile_push/fcm/tokens",
const apnsTokenPayload = (token: string) => ({
apns: {
device_token: token,
installation_id: RNPushInfo.getIOSAPNSEnvironment(),
app_id: RNPushInfo.getIOSBundleId(),
const fcmTokenPayload = (token: string) => ({
fcm: { device_token: token },
export function DeviceTokenHandler() {
const [token, setToken] = useState<DevicePushToken | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
.then(() => getDevicePushTokenAsync())
.then((deviceToken) => setToken(deviceToken));
}, []);
const { type, data } = token || {};
useEffect(() => {
if (!type || !data) { return; }
const payload = type === "ios" ? apnsTokenPayload(data) : fcmTokenPayload(data);
mb.postAPI(tokenPath, payload);
}, [type, data]);
return null; // render nothing
If we step through the code of DeviceTokenHandler
, we can see what is happening:
- When the component is loaded, we request push permissions via
and then get the device token viagetDevicePushTokenAsync()
. - When that token arrives, we trigger a post request via
that stores the token for the current user on MagicBell.
Next, we are going to add it to the component tree inside app/_layout.tsx
, making sure it's under the MagicBellProvider
, so the mb.postAPI(...)
call runs in the context of an authenticated user.
return (
+ <DeviceTokenHandler />
<ThemeProvider value={colorScheme === 'dark' ? DarkTheme : DefaultTheme}>
<Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />
<Stack.Screen name="+not-found" />
<StatusBar style="auto" />
Best Practices for token registration
This guide provides a simplified version of the token registration logic. A more elaborate version can be found in this Gist. Either way, when implementing your own logic there are a few best practices to adhere to. In short:
- Make sure to unregister the tokens when the user signs out / their session expires, to prevent unwanted deliveries. To do that, send a
request totokenPath + "/" + token
. - Re-registering the same token multiple times does no harm, so don't optimize around that, but instead makes sure we’re always aware of the most recent device token a device is issuing.
Configuring the MagicBell APNs integration
With the device token in place, we have the address of the device to which we'll deliver push notifications. Next, we need to set up the communication channel between MagicBell and the APNs service that performs the actual push notification delivery.
For this we will need the following information:
- The Bundle ID and Apple Team ID that you've used before while setting up code-signing (see your
file). - A key (aka certificate) with enabled APNs capability. You'll need the
file that you can download after creating the key, and the identifier of the key. Here’s how you can create one:- Head over to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" on Apples Developer Portal and create a new key. Choose a name and description that makes sense for you.
- Notice 1: You can only download the
file once, right after creating the key. Make sure to store it in a safe place. - Notice 2: You can have a maximum of two APNs keys. A first one you can use with MagicBell and/or other services, and a second one that comes in handy in case you need to rotate the keys in the future.
With the necessary information at hand, head over to your MagicBell project settings page and select the "integrations" section. Add a new integration and select APNs. You should have all the information ready that you need to fill in the form. The content of the .p8
file can be pasted into the text area. Here's an example to guide you:

Show Time
Thanks for sticking with us all the way to the end. Let's bring it all together, shall we?
- Start the app for iOS:
npm run ios
- Send a broadcast via the CLI:
magicbell broadcasts create --recipients [USER-EMAIL] --title "Good things" --content "come to those that put in the work"

Congratulations, you’ve now setup your application to receive push notifications, and your MagicBell project to send them.
Your application is ready to receive notifications in local development (Device and Simulator), being distributed via TestFlight or even submitted to the AppStore 🎉.
Bonus: Opening a Push Notification
Opening a push notification is not complicated as well. This differs depending on the push notification library that’s been used. In the case of expo-notifications
it is as simple as adding the following code effect as an entry point:
useEffect(() => {
const notificationListener = addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => {
const responseListener = addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(response => {
return () => {
}, []);
There are some caveats to this, i.e. wether the app is running in the foreground, or in the background when the notification arrives. Also be aware that the structure of the notification is different, depending on wether your app is running on iOS or Android. For more details, please refer to the documentation.
Securing users via HMAC validation
- HMAC security
echo -n "[email-address]" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "[secret-key]" -binary | base64
Android setup
The guide focused on setting up APNs and iOS, we do love Android as well though and want to help you get stared with FCM as well. The concepts are very much the same, and are abstracted in similar ways. We’re providing details on the Android specifics here though, to rule out any uncertainty.
Prerequisites for Android development
In order to build the app locally your will need to have Android Studio set up. Also you will need a Firebase account to register your app with FCM, which we’ll get to next.
Setting up FCM
Sign in to the FCM console and create a new project. In the project settings you can add a new Android app, using the package ID you provided in your app.json
earlier. Download the google-services.json
file and put it in your projects root folder. Next, update the app.json
file again, to reference it, just like so:
"android": {
"package": "com.magicbell.inboxexample",
+ "googleServicesFile": "./google-services.json",
"adaptiveIcon": {
"foregroundImage": "./assets/images/adaptive-icon.png",
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
Once that is done, you can regenerate the native Android parts of your project by running npx expo prebuild
Setting up MagicBell FCM integration
To configure the FCM integration you need a FCM service account first. Head over to the service accounts settings in the FCM console and press “Generate new private key”. This will result in downloading a JSON file with all the information that is required to setup the FCM integration.
Head back to the MagicBell integration settings, add a new FCM integration, and add all the info you should find in the JSON file.
Is the FCM API deprecated?
Regarding Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), only the legacy Cloud Messaging API has been deprecated. We use the current Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1). The messaging is a bit confusing, because both APIs have a similar name. The legacy API has been discontinued already in July 2024 on though.
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