Override content

Channel Overrides

notification.overrides is an optional body parameter you can set when you create a notification. It is used to change a specific channel's title, content, and action url when that content should differ from other channels.

The snippet below illustrates how to make the subject of an email different from the title of other notifications.

notification: {
title: 'Task assigned to you: Upgrade to Startup plan',
content: 'Hello, please upgrade us to the Startup plan. Thank you.',
category: 'billing',
recipients: [
email: 'dan@example.com',
overrides: {
channels: {
email: {
title: '[Urgent] Upgrade to Startup plan',
web_push: {
title: 'Task assigned to you',

The keys accepted are:

  • in_app.title
  • in_app.content
  • in_app.action_url
  • email.title
  • email.content
  • email.action_url
  • web_push.title
  • web_push.content
  • web_push.action_url
  • mobile_push.title
  • mobile_push.content
  • mobile_push.action_url
  • sms.title
  • sms.content
  • sms.action_url

Provider Overrides

You can use notification.overrides to send provider-specific data and customize the behavior of any provider. The data is sent to the provider's API as-is: MagicBell does not validate or transform it.

For example, you can:

  • Add CC and BCC recipients for Postmark
  • Use a SendGrid email template
  • Tag an email in Mailgun
  • Specify the "from" in Amazon SES
  • Modify the badge of your iOS app icon
  • Pass the URL of an image to display in a Firebase notification
  • Make use of Slack's Block Kit
  • ...And anything the provider's API supports

More details in the provider-specific docs: