Delivery Channels
MagicBell delivers notifications to:
- Inbox
- Web push
- Mobile push
- Slack
The channels page of your MagicBell dashboard provides the option to configure which channels all notifications within a project are delivered to.

User Preferences
You can allow users to control which channels they receive notifications to. Check the user preferences API for futher information.
Our UI libraries offer a preferences pane. It allows users to toggle the channels they prefer for each category.

Please contact us to disable this feature for your project.
We believe having an in-app notification inbox is a crucial component for most applications - otherwise we would not exist! In-app notifications drive engagement, provide a better user experience, and allow applications to drive user awareness of key events and functionality. The in-app inbox is the starting point for MagicBell customers and users.
Deliver notifications to email addresses directly from MagicBell. HTML can be used directly in the Content input to customize emails. There are also extensive integration options with SendGrid, Postmark, and Mailgun!
Mobile push
Push notifications are often a crucial component of mobile applications.
Web push
Push notifications for the web are a great way to reach users working on desktop machines instantly. A good reminder is users must enable desktop notifications.
Reach your users with Slack notifications powered by MagicBell. MagicBell supports both webhook and oauth Slack apps to allow you all the control you need.
SMS notifications help you deliver notifications to all your users, even those in places with no internet, or those with internet that still like a little old fashioned touch :)