How to correctly setup a GitHub to Slack integration

GitHub logo
Slack logo

GitHub is a web-based platform where developers store code, track changes, and collaborate on projects. With MagicBell's GitHub integration, your team can get notifications directly linked to their GitHub workflow.

Slack is a messaging app for teams. It brings all your team's communication and files in one place, where they're instantly searchable and available wherever you go.

MagicBell makes it incredibly easy to combine the two, so that GitHub can be used as a source of events to be sent via Slack.

Step 1: Setup GitHub

Schema Type: "object"
Required Fields:


webhook_signing_secret "string"

The signing secret to verify incoming requests from Github

Example Request

  "webhook_signing_secret": "whsec_e5cf4458caae49ae72d8f275deb9b63bdd41dd5c932c27c9346d428fb9e1d0a0"

Step 2: Setup Slack

Schema Type: "object"
Required Fields:


client_id "string"

The Slack client ID that can be found in the app's settings page of the Slack API dashboard.

client_secret "string"

The Slack client secret that can be found in the app's settings page of the Slack API dashboard.

signing_secret "string"

The Slack signing secret that can be found in the app's settings page of the Slack API dashboard.

app_id "string"

The Slack app ID that can be found in the app's settings page of the Slack API dashboard.

Example Request

  "app_id": "12345678901",
  "client_id": "1.0",
  "client_secret": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
  "signing_secret": "12345678901234567890123456789012"

Specialized Integration Guides

Below are some more specialized guides for individual GitHub events: